Emergency Services Toy Drive a Great Success

The DTSSAB’s EMS program would like to express a big thank you to the individuals of Kirkland Lake and surrounding area who supported the Emergency Services Toy Drive this weekend at the Canadian Tire and Giant Tiger. We had an overwhelming response from the community who shared their generosity by donating toys and money.  Together with Kirkland Lake Fire & Emergency Services and Kirkland Lake OPP we were able to fill an ambulance, paramedic response unit, fire services pick up truck and police cruiser with toys, money and gift cards for all ages. It’s a privilege to be of service to a great and generous community!

A special thank you to all the firefighters, police officers and paramedics (and their kids) who volunteered to come out and brave the cold for a few hours for a great cause!

Also, a special shout out to those who dropped by with treats of hot chocolates, coffees and hand warmers. This was very thoughtful and much appreciated!

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