The Community Paramedicine Long Term-Care Program Launch

The Community Paramedicine Long Term-Care program has begun treating patients in the Timiskaming District as of April 2022. There has been significant community engagement through referrals from Home and Community Care Support Services, medic referrals, the DTSSAB website, and word of mouth. Services are available 12hrs/7 days a week, with a phone number available for after-hours contact.

DTSSAB EMS is inspired by the level of passion of the Community Paramedic team. This group of individuals are enthusiastic about undertaking work that directly involves them with the community and helps bring peace of mind of a sense of stability to individuals, families and caregivers who are waiting on long-term care placement.

The DTSSAB announced the funding received from the Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care of 2.5 million dollars to be disbursed over a 2.5 year period in March of this year. Part of this funding has been directed towards software, equipment, vehicles, hiring, and maintaining of staff. The staffing of the program will include 4 full-time medics, team lead, 8 alternate shift medics, and an Executive Assistant.

Future plans for the program include expansion by seeking a Medical Director to provide oversight for expansion of medical directives. In the future, this program may also include the use of Remote Patient Monitoring, which will increase the capacity of patients the program can undertake.

This week is Paramedic Services Week, with today specifically being dedicated to Civilian and Community Paramedics. The DTSSAB wishes to celebrate all of the paramedics and support staff that make up DTSSAB EMS as we graciously serve the district.