DTSSAB Announces Partnership with the Town of Cobalt

The DTSSAB is proud to announce a coordinated partnership with the Town of Cobalt to aid in ensuring the continued security and reasonable enjoyment for DTSSAB tenants in Cobalt. Due to the substantial number of building and units, and constantly evolving situations, the need for a collaborative effort was highlighted.

 “Fostering positive community partnerships allows innovative, sustainable solutions. This has included increasing the accessibility to tenants to access required community supports and improved communication. It is a benefit to all parties involved,” Mark Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer of the DTSSAB.

 Regular meetings are held with the DTSSAB Housing Services Team, the Mayor of Cobalt, Mita Gibson, and Town of Cobalt Manager, Steve Dalley. This platform has encouraged community partners to join the discussion and provide insight, such as the Ontario Provincial Police. This has the further benefit of easing the referral process of tenants to local community partners for services and supports they can benefit from.

 As the DTSSAB’s role as a landlord is governed by laws such as the Residential Tenancies Act, there are procedures, such as evictions, that fall victim to a backlogged Landlord Tenant Board. The DTSSAB and the Town of Cobalt will continue to monitor, strategize, and proactively discuss how to maintain the reasonable enjoyment and safety of DTSSAB tenants and Cobalt residents.

 Any questions or requests for further comments can be directed to communications@dtssab.com